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Summary of Scope​

AHA Newcastle Women’s Scholarship Program 2024 Engagement and Outcomes:

The purpose of this scholarship is to inspire women in hospitality and offer individual women a unique opportunity to develop their leadership skills.


The program has been designed to focus on the individual’s development with a balance of Coaching, Mentoring, and thinking preference profiling using the HBDI (Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument) tool. The value of peer learning has been considered, as the candidates will not only learn from each other and their experiences, they will build a network for support and continued learning


The program structure will be 6 sessions over a 6 month period, with a mix of virtual and face to face sessions led by Justine Baker and Gill McLaren.

The main part of the program will be run virtually, which will enable the candidates to fit the sessions into their work week. The closing Stakeholder session which will be face-to-face, so we can recap on the program and celebrate the candidate’s success.


This program is aimed at developing leaders with aspirations to progress in the industry. We welcome applicants from operations, front of house, back of house, as well as head office roles. The applicants are expected to have some managerial experience of either a team or a function in the business and should be eager to develop their own leadership skills, implement their actions and commit to the program.

It is a wonderful opportunity to impact the recipient's peer progression and also have a positive influence on the teams they work with.

1.      Session 1 | Welcome

The candidates meet with both Justine Baker and Gill McLaren for a personal introduction, explanation of the program and Q&A. (30 mins online)


2.      Session 2 | HBDI

Gill McLaren will lead the HBDI profiling session. After completing the assessment, the candidates will have a follow up debrief session to explain the assessment results and how these relate to the individual. This will be 1.5 hours in duration (online).


3.      Session 3 & 4 | Coaching

Justine Baker will coach the candidates in a 1:1 format, using both their HBDI results and personal career goals as the framework. The candidates will have actions to take back to their workplace, and recap in the following session. Each session will be 1 hour (on line).

The candidates will also form an Accountability Trio, to consolidate their learnings. This will help build their confidence in talking about their successes and challenges and build a support network between the candidates.


4.      Session 5 | Peer Coaching

The three candidates will come together with Justine Baker to discuss their progress, knowledge and challenges. This is an opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences with guidance from Justine. The candidates will leave with clear actions to take back to their workplace. This will be 1.5 hours in duration (online).


5.      Session 6 | Managing Stakeholders

This last session brings the three candidates together, with Gill and Justine to focus on developing skills for successful stakeholder management. The aim is to build confidence in their dealings with senior leaders, owners and external parties. This session will bring the program to a close, where we will also recap on the candidates’ insights and learnings. This session will be 2 hours face to face.

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Australian Hotels Association 2018
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