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Nag's Head offers unbridled, and ongoing, support to its Adamstown community

Writer's picture: AHA Newcastle HunterAHA Newcastle Hunter

Nag's Head hotelier Adam Rummery and The Dungeon's Dr Rod Pattenden

The Dungeon, a youth music space project run by Dr Rod Pattenden, local minister of Adamstown Uniting Church, has received funding of $550 thanks to a unique community engagement project created by the Nag's Head Hotel at Adamstown.

The Tokens of Appreciation campaign, launched six weeks ago by the pub, provided a free token with every main meal and encouraged patrons to drop it into a jar supporting one of three local, non-profit groups including The Dungeon youth music venue, St Columbus Primary School, and Under 13s Merewether Carlton rugby team.

The hotel pitched in $1,000 to the project with the organisation accumulating the most tokens in its jar receiving a prize of $550. All participants also received a cash prize for being involved.

"The Dungeon is a venue that provides a safe environment for youth aged 15 up to 22 for live music, and once or twice a month there is a great gig there with young bands and musicians," Dr Pattenden said.

"It is a safe space for young musicians to try their hand at performing, and for others to come and hear live music. There are also mentoring opportunities for young people wanting to get into the industry.

"The money we've received from the hotel will go toward lighting that will further enhance the usability of the space."

The Nag's Head will this year also re-activate its support of the Adamstown Pudding Kitchen, a non-profit organisation run at the church for the past 45 years...

The Nag's Head will this year also re-activate its support of the Adamstown Pudding Kitchen, a non-profit organisation run at the church for the past 45 years. The Pudding Kitchen uses money raised to assist the wider community through volunteer programs and the funding of important community-based projects in Australia and around the world.

"People often participate in a combined Pudding Kitchen tour with lunch at the Nag's which further encourages visitation and business," Dr Pattenden said.

The pub will also include the kitchen's puddings on the menu throughout December, with vanilla bean ice-cream, in support of the organisation.

Hotel spokesperson Adam Rummery said initiatives such as the Tokens of Appreciation campaign and support of the Pudding Kitchen were both part of the pub's larger goal to support the local Adamstown community.

"To be a part of this local community is a big thing for us," Adam said.

"Adamstown seems to have its own separate identity somehow. Everyone supports each other and we really want to be involved with the community. I live here at the hotel and am also part of the local business group and we try all support each other as best we can.

"That's what pubs are about all over Australia. They are linked in with their communities and are always willing to give back."


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Australian Hotels Association 2018
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