ANZAC Day is about honouring the sacrifice, commitment and legacy of those who fight, and who have fought, for the freedoms we enjoy today. Playing a game of two-up, just as our Diggers did, is an age-old tradition and one our local pubs have long embraced on this very special day.
Here is a list of just some of the places you can spend your ANZAC Day with mates, friends, loved ones and a old fashioned game of two-up...
The Argenton Hotel, Argenton
Entertainment kicks off from 11am with a game of true blue two-up in the beer garden, then The DuoTones Duo playing live Aussie and Kiwi classics from 11:30am, and of course, the NRL and AFL games live on the big screen.
The Australia Hotel, Cessnock
The Australia Hotel is open from 7am with free bacon and egg rolls from 8am. Two-up starts at 12pm and Cessnock Minor League will be hosting a BBQ. Live music from 5pm and the bistro will be open from 4pm.
The Beaches Hotel, Merewether
Two-up starts from 1pm, with live music from 6pm.
The Belmore Hotel, Maitland
$1 from every drink sold on ANZAC Day will be provided to Legacy, who will also be at the hotel providing an opportunity to make donations. The hotel will be open from 10am, with lunch from 11am, and two-up from 1pm.
The Bennett Hotel, Hamilton
Open from 10am, two-up at The Bennett gets underway from 12pm. There's $5 largers all day, and NRL live and loud in the afternoon from 4pm.
The Boatrowers Hotel, Stockton
The Boatrowers Hotel will be commemorating ANZAC Day with two-up running from 2pm-5pm in the beer garden. The pub will be closing its doors at 6pm.
The Bradford Hotel, Rutherford
The Braddie's courtesy bus will be operating from 11am, with the bistro open all day. Two-up is from 1pm in the beer garden, and NRL playing live on the big screen.
Bull n' Bush Hotel, Medowie
The hotel is opening early from 6.30am with a $15 big breakfast. Two-up starts from 1pm.
The Burwood Inn, Merewether
Head to The Burwood Inn to remember and celebrate our diggers of past. $5 Stone and Wood schooners from 10am-3pm and two-up from 12pm.
Bushrangers Bar & Brasserie, Largs
Two-up at the hotel from 2pm
The Cricketers Arms Hotel, Newcastle
Head to The Cricketers fora massive ANZAC Day. Two-up from 11am and Yabbie Racing from 1pm.
The Criterion Hotel, Carrington
They team at The Cri will be up early and ready for you from 6.30am. They've got the obligatory early morning nosh to get you going - Bacon and Egg Rolls and Hash and Egg Rolls. There will be Anzac cookies for that sugar fix, then Fireball and Milk to get the fire in your belly. Two-up starts at midday.
The Crown & Anchor Hotel, Newcastle
The Crown & Anchor Hotel will be open from 6am. There will be a great view of the ANZAC Day March and the hotel will be dishing up a delicious breakfast from 6am cooked by the team at Sprout Dining at Crown & Anchor Hotel. Two-up will take place from 12pm.
Erringhi Hotel, Clarencetown
The hotel will be open after the dawn service with a free breakfast and the bistro is open all day. Two-up starts from 12pm and the courtesy bus will be running.
The Exchange Hotel, Hamilton
Head to the Exchange Hotel and join in the spirit of Anzac for an afternoon of two-up, Anzac biscuits and honouring those who have served for us, presented by the UoN Rugby League Club. Enjoy a round of two-up in the sun and sink a couple of beers with your mates before the footy kicks off at 4pm. Drink vouchers available for people in uniform and live music (duo) from 4pm.
The Farmers Hotel, Vacy
This Anzac Day the Farmer's is opening from 9:30am with entertainment from Dean Dee at 10am.
The Gates Hotel, Adamstown
The hotel will be open from 10am with two-up from 12pm.
Gateshead Tavern, Gateshead
Two-up starts at 12pm and Koh's Kitchen will be serving from 11.30am. Meat raffle will be held at 3pm and the courtesy bus is running from 11am.
The Grain Store, Newcastle
The Grain Store is open from 11am - 9pm, with the kitchen open and NRL and AFL games playing. There will no two-up however.
The Great Northern Hotel, Newcastle
The Great Northern will be open from 6am for a fresh bacon and egg roll, a coffee, and maybe even a beer. Throughout the day there will be live music, two-up, and both NRL match-ups playing live and loud in the sports bar. And, for EVERY Tooheys New bought on the day, the hotel will donate $1 to 'Legacy'- providing help to families suffering after the loss of one of their own during service.
The Greenroof Hotel, Hamilton
The Greenroof will be open from 10am with $5 tinnies while the coin is in the air. Live tunes from Jerome & Jayteehazard and a lotta two-up in store.
The Gunyah Hotel, Belmont
Open from 10am you can head to The Gunyah for two-up kicking off at 12pm, along with an Aussie BBQ and NRL live on the big screen.
Hamilton Station Hotel, Hamilton
The Hamilton Station Hotel will be open from 9:30am with two-up from 1pm. There will be an all-day BBQ thanks to Newcastle Griffins Rugby Union Football Club and live music from 8pm with Chinchen and The Grounds. Note: The Bistro will be closed.
Holmesville Hotel, Holmesville
The hotel will be open from 11am until late, however there will be no two-up this year.
Honeysuckle Hotel, Newcastle
Two-up will kick off from 1pm hosted by Frank Barrett of Triple M, followed by Newcastle's favourite country rockers Hurricane Fall from 5.30pm.
Hotel Cessnock, Cessnock
Two-up will get underway at the hotel from 1pm, along with live music from Revampt. Restaurant will be open from 11am, and there will be no further entry to the hotel after 5.30pm.
Hotel Delany, Newcastle
Get down to The Del and commemorate an iconic day of Australian history. Two-up will be running throughout the day, and a $1 from every Murrays Anzac Beer sold will be donated to Legacy.
Hunter River Hotel, East Maitland
The hotel will be open from 9am with two-up commencing from 1pm. Bistro will b open all day with live footy showing from 4pm. Free pool and jukebox in the beer garden.
The Imperial Hotel, Maitland
The Imperial Maitland is looking forward to honouring all those who served, and those who died in all wars and conflict so we could live the life we live. Breakfast and Bar will be open from 8am with a special all-day Anzac Menu kicking off at 11.30. Two-up in the newly renovated Skylight from 2pm.
Iron Horse Inn, Cardiff
Enjoy at Family Fun Day at the Iron Horse from 11am with sand art, lamington making, face-painting, flag making, balloons and plaster painting.
Jewells Tavern, Jewells
Head to Jewells Tavern this ANZAC Day for a free breakfast from 9am, two-up from 12pm and live music from 5:30pm.
Junction Inn Hotel, Raymond Terrace
Two-up will be held in the car-park.
The Kent Hotel, Hamilton
The hotel will be open from 7.30am, with Bacon and Egg rolls and full menu available from 11am-9:30pm. Two-up is from 12pm with live music from 4pm.
Lake Macquarie Tavern, Mount Hutton
Two-up will get underway from 1pm, with a BBQ running.
Lakeside Village Tavern, Raymond Terrace
Enjoy two-up from 12pm run by "Ant", $5 schooners, $5 Oak and Coke, signed V8 super car door to be drawn, meat raffle,prizes and giveaways all day.
Lambton Park Hotel, Lambton
This ANZAC Day the LPH will have two-up in the car-park from 12pm, Pimms on tap, AFL and NRL live and loud in the bar from 3pm and kids entertainment on the deck. The Lucky Hotel, Newcastle
The Lucky will be open from 6am for breakfast, with two-up starting at 12pm. Enjoy $6 tinnies, $18 beer jugs and $25 cocktail jugs and live music with CRocQ from 4pm.
The Mark Hotel, Lambton
Open from 9am, The Mark will have Bacon and Egg rolls till 11am and the newly formed fishing club will be holding two-up from 10.30am. There will be a BBQ and the resturant will be open, plus bar snack options throughout the day. Live entertainment from 4:30 after two-up and meat raffles from 6pm.
The Mary Ellen Hotel, Merewether
The Mary Ellen Hotel invites you to join them this ANZAC Day from 11am, with two-up starting at 2pm in the outdoor area.
The Maryville Tavern, Maryville
Anzac Day at the Tavern starts from 11am, with two-up from 12pm.
The Mattara Hotel, Charlestown
The Mattara will have a friendly game of two-up out on the back deck from 10 am to 1pm, and Roosters v Dragons Live from 4pm. There will also be a free sausage sizzle at half time in the public bar.
The Nags Head, Adamstown
The Nags Head will be open from 8am for a BBQ breakfast until midday with proceeds going to support Broadmeadow Magic FC all ages women's team. Or, you can enjoy a post-march lunch from the bistro from 12pm. Two-up is from 1pm and the bar will be open all day.
The Neath Hotel, Neath
The day begins with a Lighting of the Lamp and service at 10.30am. The day also includes two-up, all-day lunch and live music with Brindle Pigs.
The Northumberland Hotel, Lambton
Doors open 10am with two-up starting outside at 12:30pm. Then four-piece band The Instigators kick off at 4:30pm. BBQ and raffles supporting Variety Children’s Charity will be run through out the day.
The Ocean View Hotel, Dudley
This Anzac Day the hotel will be open from 6.30am with a free breakfast. Two-up starts at 12pm.
Paterson Tavern, Paterson
The hotel will be open for its Traditional Tavern Breakfast after the Paterson Dawn Service. Then kick off your afternoon with lunch at Yabbies Bistro from 12pm, followed by two-up starting at 1pm.
Peden's Hotel, Cessnock
Peden's is taking over the street with what might be Cessnock's biggest game of two-up this ANZAC Day! Open from 7am to serve breakfast, there will be a huge two-up area with grand stands and live music with the Greg Bryce Band playing live from 2pm. Enjoy a BBQ hosted by the social club, an outdoor pop-up bar and NRL and AFL games live on the big screens.
The Premier Hotel, Broadmeadow
Head to The Premier for two-up in the beer garden from 1pm, ANZAC Day footy live and loud, and the bistro open for lunch and dinner.
The Royal Federal Hotel, Branxton
With a perfect view of the march from the balcony, the hotel will be open from 9am, with two-up from 2pm.
The Royal Hotel Pub & Kitchen, Murrurundi
Hotel is open from 8am, with $4.50 schooners at two-up from 12pm.
Rutherford Hotel, Rutherford
Enjoy two-up in the Outdoor Arena from 1pm, all-day dining, and a courtesy bus running from 11am.
The Sea Breeze Hotel, Nelson Bay
The hotel will be open early and serving bacon and egg rolls after the dawn service.
The Shaft Tavern, Elemore Vale
Head to the Shaft to commemorate our diggers and celebrate being Australian (or Kiwi for all our NZ friends). Entertainment will kick off from 1pm with a game of true blue two-up, then live music by Jackson Halliday from 6:30pm and of course, NRL and AFL games live on the big screen.
Shoal Bay Country Club, Shoal Bay
As usual, SBCC we will have the biggest two-up ring in the Bay, kicking off from 12pm. Host Briggsy will be celebrating his 30th year straight running the two-up at the CC, so come down and try your luck.
The Shortland Hotel, Shortland
Join the Shorty this ANZAC Day with two-up from 12pm, a BBQ and drink specials.
The Sunnyside Tavern, Broadmeadow
Two-up will kick off from 12pm.
Swansea Hotel, Swansea
On this day, join the team at Swansea Hotel for two-up from 12pm, live music with Lennie from 3pm and bistro specials from 11am - 8.30pm.
Sydney Junction Hotel, Hamilton
Two-up will take over the car-park this ANZAC Day from 12pm, but the hotel is open from 8am to serve bacon and egg rolls after the dawn service. There will be live music with Soundabout from 5pm, DJs from 8pm, an outdoor Red Bull can bar, and NRL and AFL games live on the big screens.
Tea Gardens Hotel, Tea Gardens
ANZAC Day at The Tea Gardens Hotel starts with two-up from 12pm, followed by live music from The Perpetrators.
The Toronto Hotel, Toronto
Toronto Hotel will welcome back one of Newcastle's most popular duos Leeroy and Ross as they perform live in the beer garden this Anzac Day from 3pm.
The Victoria Hotel, Hinton
Come along to the Victoria Hotel, Hinton to celebrate ANZAC Day. The hotel will open at 10.00am, with two-up from 12pm.
The Wickham Park Hotel, Wickham
Head to The Wicko from 11am for two-op in the beet garden, then from 5:00pm - 7:00pm TK Vibez TK brings you an Eclectic selection of Jazz , Funk n R&B , with a hint of Pop; sometimes Rock, to make those refreshing drinks after a long day that much more enjoyable.
Windsor Castle Hotel, East Maitland
The Windsor Castle will be open from 9am, with two-up from 1pm, all-day dining, free jukebox, NRL live on the big screen and a courtesy bus running from 11am.
Warners Bay Hotel, Warners Bay
Warners Bay Hotel will have two-up from 12 noon.