Look no further! If it's a schnitty special you're after, we have the ultimate Monday night list!
Here you go then....
The Beauford Hotel, Mayfield - $12, 260gm Chicken Schnitzel with veg, or chips & salad
The Bradford Hotel, Rutherford - $17 Chicken Schnitzel with free toppers
Bushrangers Bar & Brasserie, Largs - $15.99 Chicken Schnitzel with your choice of sauce
Caves Coastal Bar, Caves Beach - $30 Meal Deal, incl two Chicken Schnitzels with chips and salad + two kids meals
The Commercial Hotel, Boolaroo - $12 Chicken Schnitzel
The Duke of Wellington Hotel, Lambton - $17 Two for One offer. Two Chicken Schnitzels with chips
Edgeworth Tavern, Edgeworth - $15 Two for One offer. Two Chicken Schnitzels with chips
The Gates Hotel, Adamstown - $14 Chicken Schnitzel with three topper options
The George Tavern, Greenhills - $13.50 with fries, chats or mash ($3 toppers)
The Grand Hotel, Newcastle - $10 Chicken Schnitzel from 10am to 3pm
The Gunyah Hotel, Belmont - $12 Chicken Schnitzel
Holmesville Hotel, Holmesville - $7 Chicken Schnitzel
Hotel Cessnock, Cessnock - $12.90 Chicken Schnitzel
The Lochinvar Hotel, Lochinvar - $9 Chicken Schnitzel with chips or mash
The Maryland Tavern, Maryland - $10 Chicken Schnitzel (lunch & dinner)
The Maryville Hotel, Maryville - $12.50 Chicken Schnitzel
The Royal Hotel, Murrurundi - $9.90 Chicken Schnitzel
The Spinning Wheel Hotel, Raymond Terrace - $13 Chicken Schnitzel (lunch only)
The Swansea Hotel, Swansea - $9.90 Chicken Schnitzel