The AHA NSW Newcastle & Hunter Branch has welcomed a decision by NSW Racing Minister Paul Toole to grant extended trading between 10.00pm and 12 midnight for hotels in the Newcastle Local Government Area this Sunday following the Newcastle 500 Supercars event.
The extended trading is for the sale of liquor for on-premises consumption only and can be approved by the Minister for events of regional, state or national significance.
AHA Newcastle & Hunter President Rolly De With said the approval followed a request from AHA NSW and was an indication the State Government identified the importance of the race and recognised the good behaviour of the people who attended last year’s event.
“Last year’s Supercars race was the first event in Newcastle and the Minister has said the decision to grant extended trading this year is due to the excellent behaviour of that crowd,” he said.
“Last year’s Supercars race was the first event in Newcastle and the Minister has said the decision to grant extended trading this year is due to the excellent behaviour of that crowd..."
“As has been shown recently in Bathurst, which already has extended trading following its own race, race-goers who are staying in town want to be able to get a meal or a few drinks once the event has finished.
“We know there’ll be a heightened level of compliance, so licensees need to ensure they have measures in place to cope with additional crowds coming in for a meal or a few drinks with friends to celebrate the end of the Supercars championship for 2018.
“The extended trading is a privilege - patrons taking advantage of the extra two hours need to ensure their behaviour doesn’t put that in jeopardy.”