If you already love the Burwood Inn at Merewether, you're going to love it even more under the guidance of new hoteliers Tony and Sandra Dart who took over the venue just six weeks ago...

With 38 years experience in the hotel industry, you could say Tony Dart knows a thing or two about running a pub.
He poured his first beer at age 18 at Grafton Hotel and has since been the driving force behind seven NSW pubs including Tattersals Hotel - Greta, Oriental Hotel - Cooks Hill, Hunter River Hotel - East Maitland, Albion Hotel -Wickham, Bradford Hotel -Rutherford, Lemon Grove Hotel - Wallsend and now Burwood Inn at Merewether.
"I started pouring beers at 18 and have not left the industry since then, " Tony said.
"I began my journey at in Grafton and have somehow managed to make my way down to Newcastle along the way."
While there are many aspects of the hospitality industry that Tony enjoys, what matters most to him is his relationship with the local community the hotels serve.
"Being in a hotel gives me a perfect vehicle to be able to help people, " Tony said.
"I don't come from a rich family, what we have is what we made ourselves and you can call it empathy I guess, but I just think it's important to make a difference wherever you can. Running hotels has given me that opportunity and it's been a good fit because that's who I am as a person, but I also believe it is an important role for hotels as well.
"I don't come from a rich family, what we have is what we made ourselves and you can call it empathy I guess, but I just think it's important to make a difference wherever you can. Running hotels has given me that opportunity and it's been a good fit because that's who I am as a person, but I also believe it is an important role for hotels as well..."
"I think as a whole, hotels are not often recognised for the amount of work and money they provide to their communities. Some of it goes to the wider community and larger non-profit groups, but the main percentage goes to smaller local groups and individuals not necessarily on the radar for the funding they so badly need and deserve.
"Pubs are the cornerstone for providing hyper-local support when it comes to funding provision and that's something I've always been proud to be a part of."

"Pubs are the cornerstone for providing hyper-local support when it comes to funding provision and that's something I've always been proud to be a part of..."
Prior to taking on the Burwood in late October, Tony and Sandra ran the Lemon Grove Hotel at Wallsend for nine years.
There they were able to make strong connections with the local community which led to numerous fundraising and community support initiatives including Just BECause, a fundraiser to assist local teenager Bec Cooper who had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.
While at the Lemon Grove, Tony and Sandra also worked closely with the local Rotary group, local schools, sporting groups, they raised money for the farming community through the Australian Hotels Association's Fork to Farm initiative, and last year came third in the state for the 2017 U.G.L.Y Bar Tender competition raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation.
"We had a fantastic relationship within the community at Wallsend and that's what we plan to replicate here at Merewether," Tony said.
"We had a fantastic relationship within the community at Wallsend and that's what we plan to replicate here at Merewether..."
"So far we have already touched base and continued on any existing sponsorships the pub already had in place including with Merewether Carlton Rugby Club, and we've managed to add a few new ones as well."
In the past six weeks, Tony and Sandra have signed up the Burwood Inn as a jersey sponsor for Surfest 2019 and as a future sponsor of South Newcastle Rugby Club and Merewether Woman's Soccer Club's 20s and Opens team.
"We want to be involved with the community and really support the local area, and it doesn't have to be limited to sports. We are open to supporting whoever might need it," Tony said.

"We've kept the same staff and chefs, so the food and steaks will stay incredible and so will the hotel..."
"And in regard to the actual hotel, the same applies. We have no plans to make any major changes or to take away what our locals love. The front bar will stay the same, the food will stay pretty much the same with the exception of a seasonal menu change which would have happened anyway. We've kept the same staff and chefs, so the food and steaks will stay incredible and so will the hotel."